How to select your JavaScript framework? Top 6 of frameworks.

… and not just “how to”, but also my preferred framework and why?

Here is the list of frameworks available in the wilderness of the internet.

Yahoo UI

Did I miss anything? Most likely not… this is the base of the current internet and Web2.0 and provide functionality for visual effects, web site widgets, ajax and so on.

I have to admit – the main reason why I decided to finally jumп into all that “fancy world of the visual effects” is I needed something “out of the box” with minimum of my personal effort and quickest effect. As a sample, in the beginning I took just one thing, called “lightbox”. Sample of that functionality can be found in many frameworks and I really needed to choose one only. This is the one:, is based on jQuery and now I explain why.

1) YahooUI to my opinion isquite big and powerfull, but I really don’t like anything what comes from big corporations, so… bye bye. YUI

2) Prototype – good choice, exellent functionality, together with Scriptaculous and other extentions and plugins looks like a very good choice. Honestly, I almost decided to choose it!

3) Rico – less known. Functionality rich, but a lot less well known and doesn’t have as many plugins as some others, if needed.

4) qooxdoo – great javaScript framwork, but only for creating online applications, not simple Web2.0 web site I need.

5) DoJo – hmmm…. seems like a really powerfull and fast modular framework. I spend few days trying to use it and it was my immidiate choice, but after spending some time with it. Editing stylesheets to get look and feel I need and functionality I need to work properly – I decided not to use it. Even if it seems like a really good one to have. One of the things I didn’t like – in order to get basic functionality I had to copy whole bunch of small files. I know – I may only copy few files needed and DoJo allowes you even to “compile” production version, but… heck… it’s too complicated. Where is the “KISS”, baby?

6) jQuery – my final choice! Simple, Small, Quick and has whole bunch of usefull plugins ready to use. Not mentioning great support and help.

The End. So far…

Posted on November 27, 2008 at 16:48 by admin · Permalink
In: English, JavaScript · Tagged with: , , , , , ,

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