Author Archive
Agile in general and Scrum in particular
Best video on Scrum I’ve seen so far:
HTML5 and … why it’s too early to use it in most of your projects
Well, today I decided to look into HTML5 and some statistics around it. First thing first – I went to the following page: and checked what is worth considering “an actual browser”. Here we go – my screenshot: Unfortunately most commonly used version of IE is… IE 8. Everything below, let’s say 3.5% (I […]
In: English, WEB2.0 · Tagged with: html, HTML5
Apache, how to protect directory with a password
Another Q&EG. Step 1: create .htpasswd file in your directory (or any other location on the server actually) htpasswd -c .htpasswd username Step2: create file / add following lines to the existing file; make sure AuthUserFile directive have full path. AuthUserFile /var/www/ AuthType Basic AuthName “Password Pup-up Title” Step3: Enjoy.
In: English, Q&EG · Tagged with: Apache
HTML наци. Кто они такие?
Ну что же господа, я, будучи русским граммар наци, начинаю всё чаще использовать аналогичный подход и в HTML (4.01 transitional / XHTML 1.1 transitional / …). Вот Вы спросите меня, ну а что же отличает настоящего HTML Nazi героя? Шаг 1: Ну для начала все твои страницы должны иметь Uber Alles HTML: это значит […]
Thoughts about HTML and development. HTML Nazi.
Well, being a Russian Grammar Nazi, as it seems, now I am starting to pick up the same approach in HTML (4.01 transitional / XHTML 1.1 transitional / … ). So, if you ask me, what can a real HTML Nazi hero do? Step 1: First of all – your pages must have Uber […]
In: English, Uncategorized, WEB2.0 · Tagged with: humor
How to install samba (aka smb) on Red Hat Linux /quick and easy guide
Well, well, well… Just a side thought: I am going to add new tag “Q&EG” (quick and easy guide) to all similar guides from now on. Step 1.1 – install samba via yum: yum install samba Step 1.2 – or via rpm: Obtain Samba rpm from rpm -ivh samba*.rpm Step 2 – config file […]
In: English, Linux, Q&EG
Problems with mysql installation on Windows 7? Have been there…
Hi Folks! Today I run into an interesting problem with installation of MySQL on my new Windows 7 / 64bit. MySQL just didn’t want to be installed! And stopped during confuguration process. Tried many things, googled for solution, but in most of the cases people said something like this “as this is not your first […]
In: English, Fighting the system, mySQL
HowTo pg_dump with no password
Ever wanted to have pg_dump running via cron? Well… now you can! Create a file called .pgpass in your user directory and put following content inside: localhost:5432:db_name:db_login:db_pass**** Note: might also be useful to put permissions right: chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
How to install PostgreSQL with yum
How to install PostgreSQL with yum – step by step guide: Note: Right now do everything as “root” user. 1) check current install status: yum list postgres* 2) Pick packages you might need (in that sample this is my choice – you might want different packages): yum install postgresql84 postgresql84-contrib postgresql84-libs 3) Install default DB: […]
Restore PostgreSQL db from backup
psql -U username -h host1 dbname < infile_name_sql