HTML5 and … why it’s too early to use it in most of your projects

Well, today I decided to look into HTML5 and some statistics around it.

First thing first – I went to the following page: and checked what is worth considering “an actual browser”.

Here we go – my screenshot:

Unfortunately most commonly used version of IE is… IE 8. Everything below, let’s say 3.5% (I think it’s a fair assumption) can be considered thing of the past (or the future ).

So… since we are talking about HTML5 here I decided to do a test in IE8 on a few HTML5 samples:

And a screenshot from my test with IE8:


Now exactly the same page for my current Firefox:

Basically it says: almost nothing is working in IE8.

So, what is my verdict?

If you are developing site specifically designed for iPad or some other very specific hardware with a newer/better browser or a version of the page specifically dedicated for use in a new browser or you don’t care about at least 13% of your visitors – Do not use HTML5!

And remember – more than 10% of your common customers are not ready yet!

Posted on March 14, 2012 at 16:53 by admin · Permalink
In: English, WEB2.0 · Tagged with: ,

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