Archive for the ‘WEB2.0’ Category
HTML5 and … why it’s too early to use it in most of your projects
Well, today I decided to look into HTML5 and some statistics around it. First thing first – I went to the following page: and checked what is worth considering “an actual browser”. Here we go – my screenshot: Unfortunately most commonly used version of IE is… IE 8. Everything below, let’s say 3.5% (I […]
In: English, WEB2.0 · Tagged with: html, HTML5
Thoughts about HTML and development. HTML Nazi.
Well, being a Russian Grammar Nazi, as it seems, now I am starting to pick up the same approach in HTML (4.01 transitional / XHTML 1.1 transitional / … ). So, if you ask me, what can a real HTML Nazi hero do? Step 1: First of all – your pages must have Uber […]
In: English, Uncategorized, WEB2.0 · Tagged with: humor
Not very often used HTML tags
We all know <form> tag, as well as <ul><li> and so on… but how many of web developers used good old (and sometimes not just usefull, but VERY usefull) html tags in forms: <fieldset> <legend> and <optgroup label=”label”></optgroup> in <select> ? here are two good samples to use (taken from my new template engine version): […]
In: English, JavaScript, WEB2.0 · Tagged with: guru, html, w3c